Stake on The HUSL and earn BAGS!

The Husl
3 min readSep 27, 2021

The HUSL was created with a single vision to empower the artists and allow them to be the sole benefactor of their hard work. The HUSL is eliminating the unfair practices in the music industry and giving the power back to the artists and musicians.

To make the platform more rewarding, The HUSL has launched its DeFi app that allows users to stake among many things, The HUSL token allows users to earn exciting collectibles, gives token holders voting rights on certain aspects on the site, and rewards holders with experiences that can only be dreamt of.

Staking HUSL

After the launch of dApp by The HUSL token has found another use case within the ecosystem which will bring more benefits to the creators and token holders alike. Users can stake HUSL tokens after purchasing them to earn Bags. These Bags are rewards for both liquidity and non liquidity providers and can only be used within the platform.

In order to stake, go to the token page and approve which pool you want to participate in. Once you sign off on your web3 wallet, you can then select the amount of HUSL you wish to stake and then just press confirm. That’s it. You are now earning some sweet Bags, which you can find on the rewards tab. Also please note, you can unstake at any time. There are no lockup periods.

To keep the rewards exclusive, these Bags hold no value outside the ecosystem but have significant value within the ecosystem. Users can use these Bags to purchase exclusive items, such as products and collectibles from artists on The HUSL. Users can also purchase free NFTs, experiences, concerts tickets, event passes, etc. using these Bags. The HUSL wants to ensure that people from all socioeconomic classes have the ability to earn cool stuff and aren’t burdened by financial constraints.

Both pools earn bags but liquidity providers will have more desired prizes which non liquidity providers will not be able to redeem. Oh and forgot to mention, when the time comes to redeem the rewards, you will be able to do so on the POLYGON network. We want to ensure it costs next to nothing to earn your rewards!

The HUSL has incentivized liquidity providers, investors, and music lovers by giving them the dual utility of purchasing HUSL tokens. All the music lovers must stake HUSL and remember to have fun by #SecureTheBag.

About The HUSL

The HUSL is a disruptive blockchain-based platform designed to disrupt the music industry and its unfair practices. In the present distribution model, the musicians and creators only receive a small portion of their money as the rest is charged a fee for producing and distributing the music albums.

The HUSL uses NFTs to allow musicians to sell their albums directly to their fans with additional security and simplified cross-border transactions. The HUSL is changing the music industry one album at a time, and the new staking feature will create an even more rewarding platform for all the users.

Learn more about HUSL at, Website, Twitter, Instagram, and join the Telegram community.

Become a part of the music revolution and remember to always, #SecureTheBag.



The Husl

Where fans and artists grow and succeed together — no middlemen